
الخميس، 14 يوليو 2016

There Is A Variety Of Ww3 Predictions Out There

By Roger Bell

The world in which we live seems each year to become more and more in a state of unrest. It is from this perspective that many ww3 predictions are constantly the talk of any people with their finger on the pulse. Might this cataclysmic event be the next major event that could in fact happen in this lifetime? Most people have at some point wondered if they will see or be a part of this perilous event.

These predictions are often met by a fair amount of fear and trepidation as many people wonder whether and how such a war may affect their lives, their futures and furthermore the future of their children. Many fear that they be conscripted to war or caught in the crossfire. The greatest fear that many have is that of the threat of nuclear fallout and even the destruction of the world itself.

Prophecy within the scriptures of the worlds major religions may give insight into exactly what this next major event may look. All of these major religions teach that a final world war will take place. They allege it to be at the end of time.

While these religious teaching speak of such a war their message is rather a message of hope. This is because of the belief that God will in fact restore all things at the conclusion of these events. Kind David will be resurrected to sit on Israel's throne as Israel is re-instate as God's chosen and most blessed nation from the perspective of Jewish belief.

Christians, however believe that Jesus will be the ultimate and final ruler. They believe He is the one who will sit on the throne at Israel who will essentially unite all people and bring about World Peace. For both Christians and Jews the ultimate sign that will declare the nearness of this new messianic age will be with the actual rebuild of Solomon's' temple at its original place on temple mount in Jerusalem.

Biblical prophecy believes that it is shortly after this event that total anarchy will begin to occur on earth. 7 years of tribulation will then begin that will essentially resemble the plagues that happened in Egypt on a global scale. 2 thirds of the earth will be destroyed by these events.

This event will usher in a new messianic age in which Jesus will rule the entire earth as king. It is believed that the fabled tree of life will once again grow from the banks of the Jordon river allowing all men to have eternal life. After 1000 years of peaceful living with no sickness, sadness and also perfect peace it is believed that heaven itself will descend on earth ushering in perfection and perfect unity with God for all eternity.

Most world war three predictions are derived from these religious prophecies. They are thought by many to essentially be one of the next major events on the world's calendar. Growing political unrest throughout the globe seems to be indicative of this too.

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