
الاثنين، 9 أكتوبر 2017

How To Curb Bullying With Items Like Play Nice Tees

By Amy Cooper

Bullying and cyberbullying are rampant in high schools. It is often common to see students being secluded by others due to their color, body shapes or any deficiency that they may have. When something becomes as prevalent as this, it starts being regarded as a common thing. However, the effects of this problem are severe with some victims even contemplating death. Play nice tees have been created to encourage people to spread love and kindness. This article will discuss the things that we can do to curb bullying.

When there are regulations in place to tackle this habit, its prevalence can be reduced drastically. There should be a price to pay for anyone who is seen to promote this evil. There are legislations in place to deal with this problem, but any gains cannot be realized if there lacks a concerted effort from the stakeholders. The tutors, students, and parents should work together with the guidance of the available rules.

When people are aware that a certain activity is not right, they will be willing to promote any campaigns against it. The basic thing to do to fight bullying out of schools is making people aware of its negative implications and influencing them to accept any actions that are in place to stop it. Mindfulness keeps people alert and ready to tackle an issue.

Learning institutions have to ensure that there is a continuous process of ensuring that all the kids are taught the evils of bullying. This is essential since it will act as a constant reminder of the need to stop such acts and to embrace kindness. Most schools usually have assemblies to discuss the matter and to hear out from experts on this subject.

Tutors cannot win the fight against bullying alone. They need a lot of support from the homes where these bullies live. The guardians of the bully can help in coordinating with the teacher to see how a solution can be found. When the parents unite with their children to unleash terror against teachers and the other kids at school, the situation is made worse.

There has to be a control regarding the use of the social sites. The creators of these forums meant good to the users and often have rules guiding their utilization and administration. However, there has been a lot of abuse especially from persons who wish to defame their fellow students. Teachers have also not been spared in this mess, with many of them facing the wrath of unruly kids.

Teachers should be empowered if at all this vice is to be controlled. It is common to see tutors ignore a bullying incident since they do not want to be a part of a situation that will see them get threatened. These instructors have not been spared from being victims of this vice. We cannot expect the teachers to protect our kids if they are in danger.

The problem of bullying can only be eradicated if gets considered as an epidemic. The fact that it is prevalent should make us think long and hard about its far-reaching consequences. The society has to be firm against this matter so that change can be achieved both in our minds and actions.

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