
الجمعة، 8 يونيو 2018

Steps Needed To Follow On Yearbook Scanning

By Marie Ward

A yearbook is one of the most important documents that a student takes away after completing school. It contains all of the staff and students of the school. As years go by, one is still able to remember their classmates and the school in general. When these yearbooks are made, there is usually one original and several copies are made. Below are some of the processes of yearbook scanning.

The first step is to choose the kind of scanner that will be best for the job and of course one that you can afford. There are mainly two main types of scanners; the flatbed scanner and the sheet feed scanner. The flatbed scanner is more affordable and can scan anything including books. For a sheet feed scanner, you can only scan individual pages.

In case you are using the flatbed scanner, you need to place the desired pages on the scanning screen and push them gently on the screen to avoid leaving out important information. With the feed sheet, you will have to dismantle the book and acquire the separate pages. You may do it yourself or take it to a copying shop.

The next step is to detach the cover from the book. The most common types of covers are paperback and hardcover. Both are easy to do and you can either do it yourself or have it done at a book repair store. For the paperback, you just need some heat from a blow drier to melt off the glue from the spine of the book.

After the glue is off, the pages are no longer bound. To avoid losing them or getting them mixed up, it is best to dismantle them further into groups of 20 pages or less. This helps to avoid the confusion. Then go through each small group checking the edges for glue. If you find any, gently scrape it off to avoid it causing damage to the scanner.

Ensure you have the paper port software or one that is similar to it. It helps to keep all of your scanned pages at the same place and in order. It also allows you to store the document in different formats, for example, PDF, TIFF, among many others. It is usually best to store it in the pdf format because they are difficult to alter accidentally.

Scan all of the pages. Including the blank ones. Do not neglect to do so simply because they are blank. But in the event that they are left out in the scanning, indicate on the previous pages that they are missing to avoid confusion while going through the book. If skipped, check to see the pages are in order to avoid shady work.

The assumption here is that you are using a feed sheet scanner. It is advisable to feed it one page at a time. Doing more than this may wear out the roller parts of the machinery. This may be expensive to fix and therefore, one at a time is best.

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