
الجمعة، 22 يونيو 2018

Blogging With Jewish Orthodox Blogs

By Scott Evans

Writing about something Jewish has become more and more popular amongst Jews and other religious denominations who are curious about this Religion. Jewish Orthodox Blogs allows the reader the opportunity to learn something new or expand upon an existing knowledge base. The subjects are vast as there is just so much to learn from this way of life and putting it down in writing is what is called for to address each and every subject with the concentration it deserves.

Readers online take on many forms one of which being, those who are looking for more information such as marriage practices or more accurately, dating and courtship practices. This may be due to the reason where one partner is not Jewish but is looking for information pertaining to what it takes to become a fully fledged Jew. Then again, a Jewish person may be looking for answers to questions that have eluded him or her and would just like a different perspective.

When wanting to get married, an orthodox man and woman will make arrangements to meet each other through a person called a Shatchan. This person is essentially a matchmake and has details about both sexes on record which allows each individual a chance to read up information on the other. If they feel they want to take it to the next step, then a time is arranged by the matchmaker for them to meet in a public place for coffee or a soft drink.

It would be considered to be immodest meeting with another individual for the first time in a private setting. This is why so many opt to meet in public place where there are lots of other people present. As the process develops one can ask for a private meeting in a private setting to resolve personal questions one may have but then again, this is not something that is practiced and the couple usually know after a date or two whether they want to proceed or call it off.

The actual meeting in itself is held in a public place. The couple do not touch as this would be considered immodest. The meetings do not take long and if one wants, one can request a second meeting in order to gain a better idea of who a life long partner may be.

It is a closely guarded transaction where the courting is done in the strictest of confidence. Should a person not be a Jew by birth then this option is totally closed to them as they would first have to go through the rigorous process of converting. This is not an easy path to take and requires years of dedication.

Blogging on material such as this is fun especially should one get regular readers. There is much to be learnt about this subject. There is so much to be written about and shared with readers wanting to know more.

Judaism is complicated especially if new to it. There are many blogs that offer sound material. Understanding them is a lifelong path of discovery and one that is embarked upon by many.

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