
الثلاثاء، 19 يوليو 2016

Take Off Your Sandals And Stop World War 3

By Thomas Patterson

The world is at war. Several crimes have been committed in almost every street corner and dark alleys everywhere. Mass media overflows with this heartbreaking news. There seem to be no safe place to om earth. This planet has become a dangerous place to live in.

But all these conflict is not new to humanity. Humankind had always been fighting one another ever since the dawn of civilization. Even in biblical times, the people of God had to face all sorts of conflicts. There has never been an end to all these earthly battles. The world war 3 ISIS issue just could not be totally blamed on Islamic race.

The creation of ISIS gave rise to the idea of having one common territory for all the Islamic nations. A great leader had hoped to unite all his people into one nation and this was his dream. He had the good intentions for creating this group but the circumstances have somehow tainted this ideal. Hence, they became the most feared terrorist group.

It was not very long ago that this infamous villain had once again proven their commitment to their mission. They caught the unsuspecting citizens of a peaceful city with their unprecedented acts of terror taking away innocent lives and grieving loved ones for their loss. The entire planet saw this great havoc and was enraged at the tragic fate of the Parisian people at the hands of these barbaric individuals.

This Middle East conflict is indeed like popcorn for the media. News about these nations often sell like hot cakes in the morning tabloid. Men and women are consuming this news like it was their favorite breakfast.

The third world war is truly a grave threat to all mankind. Just imagine the heavy artillery that these nations could use in the battlefields. The leaders of great nations are already preparing themselves for this disastrous event. They are always working out on ways to counteract the wicked ideals of this terrorist group.

This conflict between people just does not seem to end. Even in biblical times, humanity always had to face one conflict after another. It seems too impossible to obtain peace.

It is true. There is war on earth. It is the battle among good and evil. Human beings are involved in this battle which began even at the dawn of creation when man ate the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. Since then, men had done nothing but uplift himself and justify his actions even at the expense of other people. Pride and selfishness has overcome the hearts of many. They no longer care about hurting other people as long as they feel good about themselves.

The book of Exodus tells about a beautiful story of respect. God told Moses to take off his sandals. Simply put, God is asking Moses to show some respect. Some countries have this tradition to take off their sandals before entering a house. The Exodus story is metaphor. The way to peace is for humankind to learn to love and respect each another.

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