
الخميس، 31 مايو 2018

Detailed Facts Behind The Map Of The Exodus From Egypt

By Cynthia Schmidt

For over the years, many believers have been in a smug of disbelief about the dating of a thrust of the Israelite out of Egypt to their promised land of Canaan. Many researchers have toiled tirelessly to sketch out the map of the Exodus from Egypt. The realm of Exodus has been the founding myth of Jewish people which is referenced in the books of Torah. The mapping tells of all the fate that befell the children of Israel in their captivity in Egypt, their liberation and the proceeding havoc in the wilderness of Sin.

It commences after the ten plagues that befell the Egyptians to mark the end of servitude that was endured by the children of Israelite under the brutal era of pharaoh. It is sealed by the period the Israelites possessed the promised land of Canaan. The journey is ordained at the place where the Israelites celebrated the feast of Passover; which took place at Goshen. According to Biblical assertions, it is versed to have taken a period of forty years of suffering in the wilderness.

They were led by a patriarch who was chosen by the Lord to liberate the children of Israel from the brutalities of Egyptians. They first camped at the mid of the first month of their journey for the celebration of bumper harvest which enabled them to perform thanksgivings rituals and sacrifices. The Lord attended them symbolically in a pillar of cloud during the daytime and in a pillar of fire during the nighttime.

Moses led them to cross the Red Sea in a miracle where he sub-divided its waters to provide the passage for the Israelites. This had intrinsic motives that rekindled their hope for their freedom and possession of a Promised Land. They, therefore, trekked the lands of Marah where God provided water to quench their thirsts and seize their woes to Moses. They were finally sub-divided into twelve groups to represent the twelve tribes of Israel.

As soon as they entered the wilderness at Rephidim, they were fed with manna and quail since the wilderness was full of sufferings as it was filled with dangerous vipers. In the wilderness, they fought many hostile communities they came across as the hand of God was upon them. They finally camped at Mount Horeb where they were given the Ten Commandments to abide by them.

In the wilderness of Sinai, the Israelites constructed the tabernacles to show the presence of God, and according to scriptures, they made the temporary dwellings sacred for sanctification purposes. Additionally, in the same wilderness camps, seventy elders were called to help Moses govern the people as the convoy was growing bigger and bigger as time lapsed.

Finally, the passed the lands of Esau and Ammonites harmoniously as the Lord had commanded them. Then Moses sent spies to the Promised Land at Kadesh oasis, but due to the feedback brought, many refused to proceed forcing the Israelites to station there for many years. At the Mount of Nebo, he delivered his last religious discourses before the grounds swallowed him. The other Israelites entered the Promised Land after crossing river Jordan and possessing the city of Jericho.

Therefore, the exodus journey was a hectic one that took Israelites many years. It was authored by many hands over the centuries in the BC era to form the books of Torah. However, the Jewish view echoes Ezra as a pivotal role in its promulgation.

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